Roasted cauliflower and turmeric soup

This is a small but mighty soup that’s incredibly rich and satiating. The colour alone is enough to make your heart sing. You can thin it out by adding more broth as you go, or keep it thick and full and creamy and eat in smaller portions. Because it’s so densely flavoured it lends itself well to lots of crunchy toppings. I like chickpeas for their fibre content (just roast them with some oil and cumin) but croutons work equally well too.


1 Romanesco cauliflower if you have it (cut into florets) or regular cauliflower is fine

1/2 tsp turmeric powder or 1/2 inch fresh turmeric root (finely chopped)

1/2 can of coconut milk (I use the cream part rather than the water)

250ml vegetable broth (I use Swiss Bouillon)

1 inch fresh ginger (finely chopped)

1 large or 2 small red onions chopped

5 cloves garlic


Lightly coat the cauliflower in olive oil, sprinkle with sea salt and roast in a 220 degree oven for about 30 minutes or until the florets start to brown around the edges.

Meantime, sauté the onion, ginger, garlic and turmeric over a low heat until soft. Add the rest of the ingredients to the pan (including the cauliflower) and simmer for about 10 minutes. It might be an idea to add in only about 100ml of broth at this time, you can always add more later to get the consistency you want.

Spoon the mix into a Nutribullet or blender (be careful, turmeric stains are a devil to get out) and blitz until smooth. Season to taste and add more vegetable broth if needed. I like to squeeze in a tablespoon or so of lemon juice at this point too.

Garnish with nuts, seeds, roasted chickpeas and a few spears of sauteed purple sprouting broccoli.


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