Menopause protein calculator

We all know now that protein is important throughout life, but it plays a particularly significant role as you get older. But how much do you need exactly? If you’re wondering how much protein you should be aiming to consume a day, use my Menopause Protein Calculator to work out a daily target range.

6 reasons protein is so important

Protein is essential for virtually every one of your cellular functions. Most people, when they think of protein, think of its role in building muscle. While this is vital, there’s much more to protein than muscle.

1. You need protein for the structure, metabolic function, and regulation of all your tissues and organs, not just muscle. Your bones, your ligaments, your tendons, your liver, your brain, skin, and fingernails are all built from protein.

2. Every cell in your body contains enzymes, which are made of proteins, that determine how well your body functions, and, as a result, how well you feel.

3. Protein is also important for neurotransmitters (eg. serotonin and dopamine) which are responsible for things like mood and sleep, as well as antibodies which are needed for robust immune health.

4. Protein is critical for creating hormones such as insulin and thyroid hormones.

5. Protein helps fill you up, keeps you feeling full and helps stabilise blood sugar levels which can help with weight loss and reduces cravings for sweet things.

6. And, yes, protein is key for helping prevent muscle loss. Muscle is the foundation of your metabolism, helping to regulate blood sugar and blood lipids. The stronger and healthier your muscles, the more carbohydrates and fat your body burns. In many ways muscle is your metabolic currency. Obesity, diabetes, heart disease and many other chronic health conditions often begin with inactive muscle and poor metabolism.

How much protein do you need?

There are nebulous recommendations out there for protein intake. The current RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) for protein is set at 0.8 grams per kilogram of body mass. The problem here is that the RDA is defined as the bare minimum to prevent deficiency. It doesn’t take into account age, active lifestyles or people who want to influence their vitality and protect (or build) muscle.

Your formula for optimal protein intake

  • To reach your optimal protein intake a day (to aid body fat loss) you need more than the RDA. I suggest aiming for 1.2g - 2g of protein per kilogram of bodyweight a day. The lower end is for less active individuals and the higher end is really only aimed at extremely active athletes.

  • Formula: Your weight (kg) x 1.2 - 2.0 = ideal amount (in grams) of protein a day

  • So for example if you’re 70kg, you need around 84-140g of protein, ideally split into 3-4 meals spread out throughout the day as this helps with absorption.

  • Please note, if you’re carrying a lot of extra body fat you will need to make some adjustments. Instead of using your current body weight in the formula, make sure you plug in your goal weight (you can use a BMI calculator to work this out very roughly).

  • Remember, this is a guide. Please don’t angst over numbers too much. If you’re not currently eating much protein,, aim for the lower end and build up very gradually..

Do you need to consume protein immediately after a workout?

We used to think you needed to consume protein immediately after a workout to maximise muscle building. That idea was debunked a few years ago. However, in menopause it is probably wise to get it in within a couple of hours if possible. Don’t stress if this isn’t always possible.

Is it true that you can only absorb 30g of protein in one sitting?

No. This is a common myth. Your body will break it all down and use it one way or another or store it as energy (body fat). However, it does take a minimum of 20g of protein to spike muscle protein synthesis ie. the building of new muscle. So I usually recommend at least 20-30g of protein per meal.

Menopause Protein Calculator

For a quick and easy way to work out how much protein you need, use the calculator above. It’ll give you a range to aim for each day.


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